Our lifestyle in the cities are getting more hectic. Everything has to be done fast. We no longer have the time to eat properly. Is it any wonder then that we are consuming more and more junk food like fast food? As a result, more people are getting obese and they scrambled to buy weight loss products to help them lose the excess weight. There are many people who think that by taking natural herbal weight loss products, they are losing weight healthily. But not all natural herbal weight loss products are made equal!
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In fact, most herbal weight loss products historically are not tested extensively nor have any long term studies. So before you get started on any weight loss products, make sure you consult your doctor for medical advice. Even if you are planning to use "safe and natural" herbal weight loss products! You only have one body this life and you certainly want to be careful.
Here are some common ingredients that are used in herbal weight loss products and what you should watch out for:
1. Herbal Laxative Ingredients Senna, buckthorn, aloe, rhubarb root, diet tea and cascara are examples. Be wary if you see any of this ingredients in the herbal weight loss products. Such products work by causing stimulation to the colon. Some common side effects include dehydration, cramping and diarrhea. They may also cause addiction and if used long term, they may cause the colon to malfunction without it.
2. Thermogenic Ingredients This includes the infamous Ephedra and fen-phen. Ephedra or "ma-huang" if taken in high doses can cause dangerous conditions like heart palpitations, seizures, stroke, chest pain, and heart attack. It has been known to cause several deaths.
You should avoid them like plague. Instead go for safer alternatives like green tea, nettle, and dandelion which are much safer.
3. Diuretics
Buchu and uva-ursi are examples of such ingredients. They work by getting rid of excess water in your body. They may work for short term but once you stop taking them, your weight will return fast.
4. Other Ingredients
Chromium picolinate. Now this is an interesting one. It is not even natural and yet this synthetic compound can be found in herbal weight loss products. What chromium does is that it helps regulate blood-sugar level. The side effect is that when it is taken in high doses, it may cause damage in the chromosomes and lead to dehydration.
St. John's wort. This supplement increases the production of a chemical in the brain. If not used properly, the side effects include eye and skin sensitivity, mild gastrointestinal distress, fatigue and itching.
The FDA (Food and Drug Commission) has linked serious side effects and even death to some of these herbal weight loss products and hence you should not take these supplements lightly. Be responsible to yourself and your family by taking of your body and health. Losing weight need not be difficult if you know how to and if you are determined and focused enough.
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