Are you tired of being over weight?
Are you scared of potential health risks?
Does weight loss seem impossible for you?
Did fad diets promise results, but delivered despair?
Are you sick of noticing the stares from laughing people?
Do you want to risk your life by going through weight loss surgery?
Obesity is a pandemic in America. Americans have become preoccupied with weight loss. There's natural weight loss is the healthiest, has no side effects or age risk factors, but the weight usually doesn't come off as fast as we would like and it's usually too hard for us.
diet programs that work, weight loss exercise, rapid weight loss,
There are fad diets, but they are proven gimmicks and provide only temporary weight loss.
There's weight loss surgery, but it has side effects and age risk factors. There are two types of weight loss surgeries:
- Gastric banding ("lapband"): A band is placed around the upper end of the stomach, creating a small pouch and narrow passage into the rest of the stomach.
- Vertical banded gastroplasty ("stomach stapling"): A soft band and staples are used to make a small stomach pouch to form the side wall of the pouch.
Before you head to the medical clinic, please take into consideration these possible complications that follow weight loss surgery. Side effects of weight loss surgery:
Abdominal hernias
Bowel obstruction
Cardiac problems
Close monitoring of food intake
Complicated and dangerous procedures
Excess skin
Excess sweating
Financial distress
Hair loss or thinning of hair
Increased risk of other medical complications
Leaks or perforations causing internal infection
Marital and relationship distress
Nutritional deficiencies
Opening later proves to be too small or too large
Psychological distress
Risk increases for age
Spleen injury or tear
Temporarily avoiding pregnancy
Uncomfortable and embarrassing procedures
Wound infection
Age risk factors:
Patients 45 and older are known to be at the highest risk for a number of complications and even death after bariatric surgery.
You've read all the disclaimers, you've had the pre-operation doctor appointments, and you've studied up on the medical procedure. Can I give you some ways to help prevent these side effects?
1. Don't smoke.
2. Before your surgery, exercise. The stronger your heart and lungs are, the better your body will tolerate the surgery.
3. Before your surgery, practice the healthy eating habits that are necessary after surgery to achieve success. Practices such as: counting calories, counting carbs, reading labels, preparing weekly menus, etc.
4. Move around. Get up and walk as soon as possible after your surgery. Walking reduces the risk of blood clots and improves your lung function.
5. Attend support group meetings after you surgery. It's a great way to learn from others and for others to learn from you.
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