If losing weight is as simple as eating less calories in a day than your body burns, then why is it that so many of us fail to do it and how can we achieve the weight loss we want?
Here are 7 Tips to help you successfully lose weight.
Address the real reason for being overweight. - Being overweight may be a symptom of other problems such as depression and anxiety. If you don't treat the cause, the symptoms will keep coming back no matter how hard you try. Take some time out to think about why you are overweight. You might want to speak with a doctor to get an independent professional opinion.
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Set clear goals- You must set clear weight loss goals and be totally committed to achieving them. Having goals to focus on, will help you overcome temptations like skipping exercise and eating the countless number of high calorie foods and drinks that seem to be everywhere we go. Start off with smaller, realistic weight loss goals and celebrate as you achieve them to encourage you to set more.
Healthy weight loss- Once you have made the decision to lose weight, don't turn it into a race to shed the pounds in the quickest time possible. Rapid weight loss can slow your metabolism which will make further weight loss difficult. Just as it takes time to gain weight, healthy weight loss also requires time. A weight loss of 2 pounds per week (1kg) is considered a healthy rate and you should set your goals around this.
Establish a routine- To lose weight, you will need to change both dietary and exercise habits. It is important for you to plan what you will eat and the exercises you will do every day. Establishing a new routine will help to break the old bad habits by replacing them with new healthy ones. An example would be to go to the gym from 7 to 8pm every night instead of watching TV, after a period of doing this it will become part of your daily routine and in time you won't want to interrupt it.
Increase metabolism- Your metabolism effects the number of calories your body burns and you can increase metabolism significantly by increasing your lean muscle mass. Your muscles are an active tissue and have one of the highest energy demands in your body. They burn energy continuously even while you are resting and sleeping just to maintain their existence. Building muscle mass through resistance exercises such as weight training should be included in your weekly exercise routine to maximize the number of calories that your body burns.
Get advice from the right people- Speak to people who have already achieved what you are trying to achieve. Personal trainers who have lost weight themselves and are in great shape are an excellent source of first hand advice that you know is effective.
Nutrition- All the food groups have a place in your diet and provide your body with essential nutrients. Make the choice to eat natural and unprocessed food that your body is designed to eat. Think of food as the tool for survival that it really is and not an activity. Don't be fooled by the man made products that have sugar, saturated fats and chemicals to maximize their taste and addictiveness at the expense of your health. Fruits, vegetables and whole meats like chicken and fish can give you all that you need for healthy living and successful weight loss.
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